
Global Issues Intricately Related to Life


Fumigation Technology

  • 幾個世紀以來,人們不斷努力對抗農產品中的害蟲,以確保民生供給、維護健康及環境。農產品倉儲與出口向來利用輻射、化學物質、或高危險性氣體(例如溴化甲烷、磷化氫)來殲滅害蟲,以降低收穫後的損失與符合海關檢疫規範。

    For centuries, people have consistently battled pests in agriculture to secure food supplies, safeguard human health, and protect the environment. Traditionally, the storage and export of agricultural products have depended on the use of radiation, chemicals, or highly toxic gases like methyl bromide and phosphine to eliminate pests, thereby reducing post-harvest losses and ensuring compliance with quarantine regulations at customs.

  • 但這些程序會帶來各種環境及健康的危害或隱憂。例如,溴化甲烷會破外臭氧層,在國際間已被限用,磷化氫則具有劇毒,經常導致工安意外。

    However, these traditional methods have raised significant environmental and health concerns. For instance, methyl bromide contributes to ozone layer depletion and has been internationally restricted, while phosphine is highly toxic and frequently causes occupational accidents.

  • 格雷迪奧專注次世代燻蒸技術的研發,為全球農產運銷提供安全有效的替代性解方。

    Gladio Lt. Co. is committed to advancing next-generation fumigation technology, offering alternative solutions for global agricultural trade and distribution.

  • 如果您對本公司的技術或成為我們的合作夥伴感到興趣,請聯絡我們。

    If you are interested in our technology or in becoming a partner with us, please contact us.

  • 電話:(04)2284-0832 ext. 208

  • 電郵:gladiobiocontrol@gmail.com